Discovering Dior’s 2021 Summer Beachwear Capsule

The surprisingly glorious weather that brought April to a close has turned our minds toward sunnier climes and the possibility of sea and sand. And whether an escape to foreign climes becomes a reality over the coming months or not, we’re determined to make the summer of 2021 a stylish one. Because we do know that the season will involve staycations and socialising, at the very least.

Beachwear Capsule

A fashion house known for timeless elegance, Dior has recently released a new hot weather holiday capsule fresh for this summer. And its design makes a nod to its vintage lineage, along with an exciting new collaboration…

British Design Fused With Us Artwork And Italian Craftmanship

The collection has been imagined by the multi-award-winning Creative Director of Dior Homme, Kim Jones. A graduate of the famed London based art college Central St Martin’s, Jones is English and has an OBE. Here, he‘s chosen to incorporate artwork from Kenny Scharf’s 2011 Viva Mare Viva Mar. The psychedelic style painting depicts sea creatures, emblazoned on the capsule’s silk shirts, trunks, and bandanas. Many of the clothing and accessories are Italian made, all offering premium quality materials, impeccable attention to detail and authentic craftsmanship.

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Pose By The Poolside

Scharf’s arty swimming trunks are eye-catching. The breathable material ensures they’re practical too and they come in standard or shorter lengths. But if you prefer something more understated, CD Icon beach shorts are available in block blues. Or opt for a vintage-esque look, by choosing trunks sporting the Oblique motif (the motif was made in jacquard and first introduced by the brand in 1967). And there’s a coordinating beach towel too. Add some glitz to your poolside look with the blue technical cord and white crystal bracelet.

Unique And Practical Accessories For All-year-round

If you’re not planning on hitting the beach this summer, there’s still plenty of useful items that’ll fit right into any lifestyle. A debonair bathrobe features the brand’s signature Oblique pattern, with matching indoor mules. While a sleek high shine stainless steel bottle with a calfskin carry-strap holder makes for an evergreen and very handy accessory (not to mention a super gift for the guy who has everything).

You’ll also find espadrilles, a saddlebag, tote, backpack, sneakers, sandals, sunnies, jackets, belts and more in the vibrant selection.

Available to purchase online, or in stores now, you too can experience the joy and energy of this innovative range.

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