In Conversation with Katarina Van Derham, Travel Writer, Multiprenuer and Actress. 

In today’s ‘In Conversation With’ we meet Los Angeles based, Katarina Van Derham, an independent media publisher, actress, model and avid traveller who shares with us insights into her career as a travel editor – the challenges and rewards it presents along with her hopes for the future of luxury travel and much more.

When / how was your passion for travel ignited?

In the 70s and 80s, I grew up behind the Iron Curtain. Many will know that those of us living behind it couldn’t travel to Western countries; travel was not an option. After the Iron Curtain fell in 1989, Western influences began to flood our region. The ensuing years were filled with excitement, including the allure of travel. As a teenager immersed in the pop culture of that era, I was thrilled to explore the world beyond my previous limitations. Thus, my passion for travel was born.

When did you decide to make traveling your career, how did you start, and how has your career journey evolved?

Traveling became my career in 2012, the year I launched my media company, which had a strong focus on travel alongside other lifestyle areas. The beginning was challenging because nobody knew my company. Friends who were intrigued by my work joined me, helping to make travel possible. We secured our first sponsors and gradually built our portfolio. Initially, our travel group consisted of about six people for photo shoots. Today, with social media taking a leading role in the digital landscape, it’s usually just two of us covering fantastic places and sharing them with our audience.

Please describe a typical day if such a thing exists!

Each assignment is unique, so I tailor the plan according to the advertiser’s needs. When I’m not traveling and writing about travel for one of the sites, I typically work from my bed, where I find my creativity flows best. Being in bed gives me a sense of being a dreamer, creating an ideal mental space for writing.

What are the biggest challenges and greatest rewards you encounter as a travel editor?

The biggest challenge has always been securing a sponsor to cover flights. When working with tourism boards, they cover all travel expenses, including flights. However, visiting privately owned villas or islands can be very costly to fund out of pocket. The greatest rewards are twofold: the relationships I develop during trips and the continuous learning about new places. I’m fascinated by different ways of life and people in general. I also love architecture. Having worked as a retoucher for a real estate photographer with my work published on two Architectural Digest magazine covers, learning about buildings—whether historical or ultra-modern—is very rewarding for me.

Of all the places you’ve visited, which is your favorite and what makes it special to you?

I get this question a lot, and it’s tough to choose just one because I like different places for different reasons. The “Xibalba Natural Reserve” in Yucatan, Mexico, stands out. I visited before it opened a couple of years ago, and you won’t find much information online about it. The underground church where they serve lunch, combined with the incredible underwater world, offers an unforgettable experience.

Please share your most memorable experience from your travels.

My most memorable experience was when my team and I were returning from our editorial assignment at Imanta Resort in Punta de Mita, Mexico. An advertiser recommended a fashion stylist for our male model. The stylist offered to cover his flight if I provided the hotel, which was fine as the resort was sponsoring us. The interesting part happened on our return flight to LAX, where the FBI boarded the plane and arrested the stylist, who turned out to be one of America’s top 10 most wanted men for the past decade. It was shocking and unforgettable!!

What are your top three luxury destinations, and what makes them stand out?

  • Vatulele Island Resort, Fiji: Currently closed, possibly being sold. This private island epitomizes paradise.
  • Capri, Italy: Luxurious hotels, dining, and shopping make this charming island the perfect European getaway.
  • Sardinia, Italy: My stay at the Cala di Volpe hotel in Costa Smeralda was remarkable. The nightlife at “Billionaire Porto Cervo” club was also a highlight.

Which are your preferred methods of travel, and why do you favor them?

I prefer commercial flights over private ones because I love people and the bustling energy of big airports, which excites me about travel. Boats fascinate me, and the bigger, the better. Chartering a yacht once a year for my friends and me is one of my business goals.

Please share your top travel tips with our readers.

  • Arrive at the airport much earlier than your departure time to avoid missing your flight due to busy terminals. It is getting worse and worse!
  • Hold multiple passports if possible. I use both my US and EU passports to navigate shorter lines when traveling.
  • Bring an extra, thin blanket and warm socks for international flights, as planes can be very cold.
  • Research before traveling, ensuring all necessary apps for car services or Uber are downloaded and set up.
  • Frequent travelers to Europe should have a secondary phone with a European number for reliable communication.
  • Sometimes, you need to be assertive to get what you want, especially for catching connecting flights.
  • Wear a stylish fanny pack; it’s practical and safer than a cross-body bag in crowded tourist areas.

The luxury travel market is dynamic. What are the key trends you’ve observed over the last 12 months, and what do you predict for the next 12 months?

The luxury travel market is expected to grow significantly over the next 12 months, driven by increasing disposable incomes, technological advancements, and the growing demand for personalized and unique travel experiences. Sustainable travel is a major trend across all travel categories.

What are your personal hopes for the future of luxury travel?

I envision a future of luxury travel where there’s a significant embrace of plant-based cuisine. As a vegan, having gourmet plant-based meal options readily available at 5-star hotels would enhance my travel experiences. Additionally, I believe airlines should strive to make all seats as comfortable as their business class offerings, ensuring every passenger enjoys a premium level of comfort and service.

Luxury is highly subjective – what does it mean to you personally?

Luxury, to me, is a combination of high-end, eco-conscious, and ethical products and experiences. I want to enjoy gourmet plant-based foods at a luxury hotel that uses bamboo bed sheets and serves water in glass bottles. Luxury also means having the freedom to spend my time as I please.

Finally, what is your life motto?

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

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